Friday, December 30, 2011

Eve of the Eve 2011

So my husband and I met at a party called Casino Swing in 2004. It was held at Union Station, typical black tie event, food, booze, silent auction...anyway, they no longer do Casino Swing on the same date, much less the same location. It used to be in October, then it was November, then it was like March at the Cultural Center...long story short, we attend like 10 charity parties per year. Casino Swing benefited the Mercy Boys and Girl Home of Chicago.

One of my very favorite charity events is this Eve of the Eve party. It's held at Union Station, which is nice and nostalgic for us when we attend, we always try to pin point the same spot where we first met. Also, it benefits a GREAT cause. High Sight.

Tonight is this party...I however just started my 33rd week of other words I just started my 9th month of pregnancy today...

SO I'm not feeling like a party mood, but I'm going if it's the last thing I do. It will be my last hoorah. I don't expect to do much of anything in the months to come. Most kids are born between 35-40 months, this means, I'm in the end here...anything can happen in the next 3-4 weeks...after 7 weeks, this baby is out.

I'm not looking forward to putting on a pretty dress, straightening my hair and putting make up on, but I will. Who knows when the next time I get to go to a party is....if anyone sees me there, say hello.

I'll try to give an update before the new year, if I can remember!  Happy 2012 everyone!

Friday, December 16, 2011

The never ending countdown...

Time seems to move so slowly yet so quickly. Perfect example, I feel like I've been pregnant FOR EVER, and at the same time, I feel like I woke up one day and was 8 months pregnant. The never ending passage of time both slow and quick doesn't help or make this process any easier.

Having said all that, I am finding myself with a touch a Betty Crocker syndrome. This is what can only be described as an impulse to cook, bake and feed people. All I can say is thank goodness for my recent adaption of OCD! Works out well!!

As I watch my stomach move like a scene from that movie Alien with Sigourney Weaver,  I still can't wrap my head around the fact I'm going to have a live human outside of my body that I will be responsible for in just 2 months....and what is with that anyway? You're actually pregnant for 10 months...what a raw deal.

I'm off to bake an apple pie from scratch of course....cause buying one would be too easy.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

10 weeks to go....

Okay, so this blogging thing hasn't worked out as I had planned. But I've hit this "nesting" stage in my pregnancy where I am like SUPER diligent and motivated...exhausted...but with a slight case of OCD! lol!

So I'm recommitting my pledge to blog and share my experience.

It's been a LONG road, but I'm just about 8 months pregnant now. I know at first people would tell me stupid things like "you're pregnant for 9 months because that's how long you need to prepare" well, that IS sort of true...I think it just takes some of us that long to get used the idea and wrap our heads around the fact that we have a tiny human in our bellies! (which is SO weird BTW)

Anyway, I've made a nursery, and I've started "cleaning" my own house (as much as I can) so here I am blogging. I'll try to contribute something at least once a week, if not more. This is my pledge to you. (and by you I mean the tiny human incubating my tummy...this is for you)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Restaurant Week!

It's almost at an end so take advantage of $22 lunches and $33 dinners!


I'm a newbie blogger. Not sure if anyone will care or read. I figured, I like good parties. I like good restaurants. I like good food and good fun, so...why not start a blog documenting these things?

I travel a bit, and it seems everywhere in the world, everyone LOVES to hang out with friends and have a good time. So when my husband and I visit new places, we love to mingle with the locals. If we don't pick up locals, we get local recommendations and might pair up other travelers and hit a good bar or restaurant. It's cool to be in a foreign country and be privy to some posh hard to get into parties!

Living in Chicago, there is ALWAYS something going on. It's a bit more evident in the summer months, but there are things going on every single day of the week. Now, I can't go out every day of the week, but I can share what I know is going in, if anyone out there is interested. My motto is, the more, the merrier!

I'm also a lover of charity events and charitable causes. Ladies, I met my husband at a charity event! I'll be posting various galas around town, as well as my two cents on things. Hope you enjoy my rants!!