Sunday, December 11, 2011

10 weeks to go....

Okay, so this blogging thing hasn't worked out as I had planned. But I've hit this "nesting" stage in my pregnancy where I am like SUPER diligent and motivated...exhausted...but with a slight case of OCD! lol!

So I'm recommitting my pledge to blog and share my experience.

It's been a LONG road, but I'm just about 8 months pregnant now. I know at first people would tell me stupid things like "you're pregnant for 9 months because that's how long you need to prepare" well, that IS sort of true...I think it just takes some of us that long to get used the idea and wrap our heads around the fact that we have a tiny human in our bellies! (which is SO weird BTW)

Anyway, I've made a nursery, and I've started "cleaning" my own house (as much as I can) so here I am blogging. I'll try to contribute something at least once a week, if not more. This is my pledge to you. (and by you I mean the tiny human incubating my tummy...this is for you)

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