Friday, December 16, 2011

The never ending countdown...

Time seems to move so slowly yet so quickly. Perfect example, I feel like I've been pregnant FOR EVER, and at the same time, I feel like I woke up one day and was 8 months pregnant. The never ending passage of time both slow and quick doesn't help or make this process any easier.

Having said all that, I am finding myself with a touch a Betty Crocker syndrome. This is what can only be described as an impulse to cook, bake and feed people. All I can say is thank goodness for my recent adaption of OCD! Works out well!!

As I watch my stomach move like a scene from that movie Alien with Sigourney Weaver,  I still can't wrap my head around the fact I'm going to have a live human outside of my body that I will be responsible for in just 2 months....and what is with that anyway? You're actually pregnant for 10 months...what a raw deal.

I'm off to bake an apple pie from scratch of course....cause buying one would be too easy.

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